Our latest publication on magnetogenetics appears in Nanoscale!!!

Magnetogenetics: remote activation of cellular functions triggered by magnetic switches

Susel del Sol Fernández, PAblo Martínez-Vicente, Pilar Gomollon-Zueco, Christian Castro-Hinojosa, Lucia Gutierrez, Raluca M. Fratila and Maria Moros. ( https://doi.org/10.1039/D1NR06303K)

What an honor to be surrounded by so much "young" talent. Thanks to the Spanish Young Academy

Finally!!! After a long time we meet (almost) all the members of Bionanosurf


17/09/2020 Innovation Prize awarded to Maria Moros

María Moros has been awarded with the innovation prize from ADEA 

09/07/2020 María Moros: new member of the  Spanish Young Academy

 The Young Academy of Spain has selected 13 new members. This Academy gives a voice to  young scientists, connecting and mobilizing new talent.

More info

Check our latest publication in iScience

In Vivo Bioengineering of Fluorescent Conductive Protein-Dye Microfibers.   Moros, M.; Di Maria, F.; Dardano, P.; Tommasini, G.; Castillo-Michel, H.; Kovtun, A.; Zangoli, M.; Blasio, M.; De Stefano, L.; Tino, A.; et al. iScience 2020, 23, 101022.


Our latest publication is out in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Gold nanorods and nanoprisms mediate different photothermal cell death mechanisms in vitro and in vivo. Maria Moros,* Anna Lewinsky, Francesco Merola, Pietro Ferraro, Maciej Wnuk, Angela Tino, Claudia Tortiglione*ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 12, 13718-13730

13/03/2020 Lab Lockdown due to CoVid outbreak

We will come back as soon as possible!!

3-5/02/2020 V MagicCellGene Meeting in Zaragoza​

Meeting with all the partners of the Consortium, discussing great ideas in Zaragoza. ​

24/01/2020 Great overview of our SIROCCO Project in Heraldo de Aragón

María Moros talks about her SIROCCO project. Heraldo de Aragón and other media release this interview.

heraldo 240120

20/01/2020 III NanoOncology Workshop

Beatriz Martin and Regina Pamplona presented their PhD work at the III NanoOncology Meting (Zaragoza, Spain).
It was a great workshop organized by Laura Asín, Lucía Gutierrez and Raluca Fratila.

07/11/2019 GEIVEX

Beatriz Martin presented her latest results on the development of a lateral flow immunoassay to detect exosomes at the Geivex Conference (Granada, Spain).

10/07/2019 MSc Thesis

Christian Castro has defended his Master Thesis, obtaining an amazing grade (9.7/10). Congratulations Christian!!!

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